We travel not to escape life, but for life not to escape us

Hi guys!

I’m sitting at our hotel room, checking out pictures, editing and working on some blogging posts after a loooooong time! Gosh… I’ve missed blogging! With that said… OMG I have a “few” things to share with you guys! :D My sister and I went to Botswana for about one and a half week to visit family; It has been one of the most relaxing chill trip ever. I’ve been totally stressed out and exhausted lately so this was exactly what I needed. The whole trip inspired me and motivated me to work harder and to be grateful for what I already got! The people there were amazing! I met our family members for the first time and it was an incredible experience! Well.. I’ll tell you more about it in the upcoming posts but for now I just want to share “day 1” with you guys, which is mostly “the trip TO Botswana”. It took like one and a half day to get there from Denmark -.-‘ The trip to Johannesburg was about 10 hours and we had to wait about 10 hours to take the next flight to Botswana in Johannesburg afterwards, so we “kinda” also got a little taste of South Africa as well! It was so exciting! xD

In Paris: 

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Well.. I got to taste macarons for the first time in my life! I’ve always wanted to try it since Blair and Serena from Gossip Girl love these. :-P But I gotta say… Macarons are really not my cup of tea :( I didn’t like it that much… I guess I’m more into spicy snacks than sweets -.-‘ 

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Johannesburg Airport, South Africa: 

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Well.. I’ve got a lot of random photos that I really wanna share with you guys, so I will try to divide the posts into “shorter posts” ^_^ There’s still 7 hours till the next flight from Johannesburg to Amsterdam Airport, so I guess I’ll just edit more photos and get the other posts ready :) 
Take Care <3 ^_^

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