Breathe in, breathe out

Hello Everyone! <3

It’s time for a makeup review guys!! ^_^ For my look today I’ve been using these products:



I’ve pretty much talked about most of the makeup here in my previous posts (They’re linked below) BUT I just bought a new Maybelline lipstick that  I need to share with you guys!! ^_^ OMG! If you mix the MAC lipliner I have with this Maybelline lipstick it just looks AMAZING. I’m in loooove <3 ^_^


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The color is really pretty especially mixed with the MAC lipliner! I love the combination! ^_^ Using it alone without the MAC lipliner, it is more transparent and gives your lips a little bit of color but not much. So if you are into colors that are transparent and not that prominent, this is definitely a lipstick for you! I like both types, so whenever I want some more color I use my lipliner before the lipstick, and if I want more simple lips where you can’t really tell if the person is wearing lipstick or not then I would wear it without the lipliner ;-)

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My Look:

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Check these posts if you want to read more about the other products I’ve used for this look:


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  1. Kema
    June 27, 2015 / 08:26


    Great blog you have here, just want to know which mac lipliner and maybeline lipstick that you have on here. I think you should list the items you talk about at the end ;)

    • August 1, 2015 / 10:19

      Hi Kema! ^_^
      Thank you so much! I’m really sorry for the late reply but my mac lipliner is the color “soar” and my maybeline lipstick is “342 Mauve Mania”
      I’ll make sure to list the items in my posts in the future :) <3
      Take Care! <3

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