
Hello guys!

The other day a friend of mine and I went out to a “café” called “Brød” in Odense. I didn’t know about this cafe until my friend introduced me to the cafe and I gotta say I was impressed. They have a variation of different types of bread and sandwiches. So usually I don’t really like salmon, or I thought I didn’t but I wanted to try something different so I ordered a salmon sandwich and oh my god; it was so good! I loved it! Not only was the sandwich good but the café was amazing. The style of the café was just so cosy and stylish. They have this “tree”-theme and I loved just hanging there. Another plus is that they have USB device to upload your phone which is cool btw!

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  1. Kylie
    April 6, 2017 / 12:09

    Hey MyCafe101,

    I was just wondering where I can find this bread café? And how do you pronounce “Brød”?

    Btw. I love your blog! ^_^

    • mycafe101
      May 24, 2017 / 16:08

      Hi Kylie! ^_^ The café is at Kongensgade 38, 5000 Odense C :)
      It’s pronounced something like “bröd” or “broed”. It’s a little hard to explain but I hope you get it xD hehe
      And thank you so much <3 ^_^ It means a lot! ^^

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