December Diary – Havregrynskugler – Recipe

Hello guys!

This is something different and something I do rarely BUT let me explain: I have a quick easy recipe for you guys today and not because I love being in the kitchen and cook (I’m a lazy person) but because I love this snack and it’s one of my musts to do for christmas AND it is so easy. No matter how lazy you are, this one you can manage to do if you really like them, or that’s at least of I feel. With that said; another reason is I’m so busy with studies at the moment so I haven’t got the chance to take photos today or yesterday. This week is very stressful and I don’t have the time to take pictures and edit everyday like I’ve done so far in December. I will keep up with posting December Diary Posts everyday but they might not be about my everyday every single time because nothing interesting is happening in the weekdays right now. I’m just studying all day.

Today I have an easy recipe for you guys. It is a Danish confectionary christmas snack that I love so much:

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125 oatmeal
75g butter
75g sugar
20g cocoa powder
1/4 dl coffee
35g desiccated coconut

So all you have to do is mixing the butter, oatmeal, sugar, cocoa powder and coffee and then you shape them and at last you put some desiccated coconut on them and that’s it! It takes about 10-15 minutes to do and it tastes delicious!

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