December Diary – Hello December

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Hello guys

I’ve decided to write a December diary on the blog this year. It’s just where I share my days up until christmas. I actually wanted to do vlogmas on the youtube channel but because of deadlines, studies and exam preparation it is not realistic to uploade a video every single day in December :( I wish I could though. But since I’m not able to do that I thought I could do some sort of a “vlogmas” here on the blog! There will still be regular posts up on the blog with other content than my December diary, because I want to share more on the blog than just my December diary ;) I hope you guys will like it!

I guess I’m also doing this for me because I want to enjoy December and make the best out of it while studying. The last 2-3 years I haven’t done much out of christmas like I once used to. For about 4-5 years ago I would go crazy if I had the chance to just celebrate anything in general. Then later that spark just kinda disappeared BUT now it is slowly coming back and I want to do something extra for christmas this year.

Anyhow today on the 1st December I’m going to Copenhagen to a christmas party for tomorrow. The month is starting perfectly with the ones I love! So I can’t wait for the weekend (Just need to survive the lectures today though -.-). I will blog more about the weekend in Copenhagen and I’ll do my best to blog everyday until christmas and share whatever I feel like this christmas! <3

Happy 1st December xD <3

Take Care <3


Photo by Joanna Kosinska on Unsplash


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