Franz Kafka – Rotating Head by David Cerny, tattoos and drinks

One day in Prague, I think we didn’t have much planned. So, we decided to look for the Franz Kafka Rotating Head by David Černý. On our way, we saw a tattoo shop, and spontaneously, Nisanth decided to get a tattoo.

I tried to convince myself to get one too, but I failed miserably. A part of me really wants tattoos, but another part is afraid of regretting it. I’m the kind of person who gets bored easily with a look, and tattoos are permanent; I can’t change them like I do with my hair from time to time. So, even though part of me wanted one, I couldn’t make myself do it. Maybe one day… let’s see.

After that, we finally saw the Franz Kafka Rotating Head by David Černý. I was actually really excited about this, but I expected more. It was supposed to rotate every 15 minutes, so we waited about 10 minutes. However, the rotation was minimal. I don’t even think it rotated for a full minute, and I expected it to rotate a lot more. There was a sign saying it rotates every 15 minutes, but when I looked it up online, it said it rotates continuously and takes 40 minutes to complete a full 360-degree rotation. So, I’m kind of confused. As far as we could tell, it did not rotate every second. I don’t know if I missed something or if they’ve changed it to rotate incrementally every 15 minutes lately, cause it is something you can adjust.

After that, we went to a bar for a drink. I don’t remember the name of the bar, but it was actually very nice.


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