Hello Prague

A few weeks ago, we went on a spontaneous trip to Prague.

After the wedding and all, I think we just needed a spontaneous getaway to breathe and also just be the two of us. It was so much fun! We have only been traveling with friend groups, but never just the two of us, so this was exciting. The road trip was 9 to 12 hours since we decided to drive to Prague. It was really fun because I wanted to pack a lot of snacks and games so we could chill during the road trip. We didn’t play many of the games, but it was really nice to have prepped food for the trip, so we didn’t have to think about that.

Art Deco Hotel Imperial

We booked our stay at the Art Deco Hotel Imperial, and it was really good. I loved the room with the high ceiling, and I really liked how the hotel was decorated. The location was really nice. We were staying in New Town, but it took us only about 15 minutes to walk to Old Town. We decided to walk everywhere, and I think that was perfect since everything was only a 10 to 20-minute walk away.

Dinner at Restaurant Longiano

The first day, we didn’t have much energy and just wanted to chill. We found a restaurant close to our hotel. I thought the food was all right, but my husband loooooved it! That was when I realized how much of a food enthusiast he is. For me, it’s like: “It’s tasty, it’s crispy, I love it.” For him, it’s about the consistency, the taste, and the ingredients they used, in detail. He was impressed because you could tell that they used raw ingredients and made everything from scratch; it wasn’t preprocessed food. For example, the quality of the pesto in the pasta. I had no idea about such details, but he did. It was fun to see that side of him, and I think I was a huge disappointment because, for me, the food was just all right, while for him, it was really, really good. It was a good restaurant, though. It was cozy, the service was amazing, and the food was good. I enjoyed the pizza more than the pasta, and my husband enjoyed the pasta more than the pizza. We ended up eating there three times because it was good! I will share more about this restaurant in a separate post. First-day impression of the food: it was good, like 7 out of 10.

Oh, and there was a shopping mall just 5 minutes away from the hotel! It was perfect! We had a whole day just for shopping because there were so many interesting shops xD (I did feel a little sorry for my husband).

Well, this was our first day in Prague! I will be posting a lot about Prague and just life in general. I am working on getting back into the routine of blogging again :)

Take care! <3


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