Hello guys!
I’m sitting in the train working on the blog, heading back to my own place. It has been so great to be home with the family. I got to study a lot and also work a little on the blog. Usually I’m so bad at focusing on studying at my parents’ place but this time it actually went pretty good! :D As I might have mentioned; I’m stuck with an assignment that has to be done before this friday. The assignment is a little big so I need to finish it off properly. Beside programming I did work on some blogging stuff, and also have edited the photos; It’ll probably be up throughout this week! :)
The weather is finally GOOD here in DK!! The sun is here, it’s hot(I mean I dont need to wear a jacket?!), and I’m enjoying it as much as I can like going out for a walk and stuff :-P I usually say I’m not big of a “nature-lover”, but whenever I go for a walk; It’s like a mood-booster! I get so happy, positive and fresh and I feel so good about everything! :D But yeah… You never when the sun is gone again here in DK, so I’ll make sure to enjoy and appreciate it as much as possible ;) That’s it for today guys! Hope you’re all doing well and enjoying the weather :)