Nyhavn and sight seeing

A well-known must-see place in Copenhagen is Nyhavn. I love hanging out there. The vibe is especially cosy at night with the lights and cafes. At Nyhavn you can take a canal tour which we decided to do as one of the first things with our family. Mostly because then they will get a good overview of what is here in case there is anything specific they wanna see afterwards. And it was also a good one to start with since I myself don’t know Copenhagen as much as you would think since I’ve been living here for all most 3 years. In my defense; 2 out of 3 years was COVID-season so yeah lockdown and stuff :P BUT I’m not sure if that makes any difference of me not knowing much about where to go in Copenhagen :P I have my go-to specific things I like and beside that days goes by with work and you know practical stuff to make a living work here :P But Nyhavn is amazing! :P haha. Let me show you some pictures:


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