Riri Inspired Look

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I stumbled upon this look with Riri, so I wanted to try to see what I can find similar to this look without having the exact same look but just more like an inspiration-ish. Let’s get started ^_^

For the top, I found these 3. They’re all from asos.com:


010203 (Click on the number to check them out at asos.com) My fave would deffinetly 01! Love that piece! <3

Now let’s have a look at some caps. I gotta say they have a lot of black caps at asos.com so I’ve chosen the ones I personally prefer the most :)


01020304 05 
I love them all but if I had to choose for this specific outfit I would go for the “homies-cap” :P OR maybe the last one, the leather cap, since I’m going for the top 01. I like the cap blank but sine the top I prefer is blank, it could be good with some print on the cap, so I would pick one of those two  :P

Time for accessories!!


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01 – 02 – 03 – 04 – 05 – 06
I’m not that into the second and fifth necklace, but I put them up anyways so there is some more variation. I think they are pretty but I don’t think I’ll wear those two compared to the others :P heh

Some more accessories:

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Bracelets: 010203
Watches: 0405
Rings: 06 07 – 08 –09




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