Yuvan Concert 2023 – Oberhausen

Last weekend we went on a roadtrip to Oberhausen to see the Yuvan Concert in Oberhausen. It felt like I have had plans again after a very very looooong time. The past 2 months or so have been with working from my parents place and being with my family. It did feel good to get out a little and getting a break and enjoying some music.. you know a quick getaway for a second :P I think everyone needs that from time to time.

We had a pitstop in Hamburg where we bought Dinner at Maharaja and then we hit the road again.

In Oberhausen we got to try out Mosch Mosch where I bought ramen, which was perfectly suited for a rainy day and then we also tried a burger restaurant called Five Guys. It was good.! The ramen was okay but I’ve tasted better, the burger at Five Guys was really good!

The concert was amazing! I was really impressed of the performances, song choices and the crowd! It was an amazing experience. Now I gotta be honest: I’m not a biiig Yuvan fan. Never really been. But I gotta admit: He has made some amazing music and songs, that I haven’t really been aware of! And I have much respect for him and the team for pulling off this show! It was an amazing experience and I would love to experience more of something like this!

Now let me show you some concert moments:


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