10 Things I’m Grateful For

Goodmorning guys!

I just work up and I have group work in one hour and I thought I would write my gratitude here on the blog today. I try to do this everyday and today I felt like sharing. I’ve read it’s good to practice gratitude because you feel better, happier and you focus on the good which makes you attract more of the good. In this stressfull time of the year with deadlines and exams coming up, I think it’s even more important that we focus on what we love in our lives, so here we go:

1. I’m grateful for early mornings.
2. I’m grateful for my hot cup of tea
3. I’m grateful for having my own apartment
4. I’m grateful for my education
5. I’m grateful for the people I have in my life
6. I’m grateful for the blog and youtube
7. I’m grateful for music
8. I’m also grateful for silence
9. I’m grateful for technology
10. I’m grateful for creativity

There is more such as I’m grateful that I’m alive, that I can breathe, that I can see, talk, walk, feel, hear and much more. I hope this inspired you guys and made you think of all the things you already have in your life that you are grateful for <3

Have a good day! <3


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