LifeStyleChange: Smoothies

As I’ve mentioned before I am working on some lifestyle changes and experimenting to figure out what works best for me. I don’t wanna go on diet and put up too many rules about what NOT to eat :P I know it’s important but I wanna make it easy for me and do it however I feel like so it suits me well :P Doing exercise isn’t a big problem, I mostly enjoy it because I can listen to a lot of music and I enjoy loud music :P But the eating part which is a very important part is an issue though :P so I’m trying to figure out how I can eat healthy without feeling like I’m trying too hard or making it too “difficult-ish” for me and I’m kinda taking it slow to figure out what’s best for me :P But anyhow; I wanted to try making some smoothies and see how I felt about it AND if it’s something I wanna do on a daily basis. And the answer is Yeeeah! Why not :D I mean the first smoothie I tried to make wasn’t that good but it made me feel good after drinking it. And the second one was delicious and I actually enjoyed drinking it. I actually prefer making smoothies cause then I can make sure I can have variety in the fruits and veggies in a very easy way since all you need to do is blend everything in a machine (lazy me) :D I can do this in my vacation at home but I don’t have a smoothie blender at my own apartment, and I don’t really think I’m gonna buy a smoothie blender right away so until then I’m gonna experiment with other healthy dishes until I get myself a smoothie blender :D Otherwise I’m still experimenting, so gonna see what else I can do to have a healthy lifestyle in a simple way except for drinking smoothies you know :P




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