Sommer Hygge

You can never really count on Denmark’s summer weather, so when the weather is really good, you want to go out and enjoy the sun and get some vitamin D as much as possible. That’s exactly what I did. My friend and I decided to catch up outside. Okay, that’s not entirely true. We actually first went out to eat, then went shopping, where I found these beautiful wine glasses and fell in love. It was love at first sight, so I bought them and wanted to enjoy a drink in those lovely glasses. They were so pretty.

That’s where it all started. I’d also been craving strawberries with chocolate for the longest time, so we decided to make ourselves a drink, go outside, and enjoy our strawberries with chocolate.

Just for fun, I bought us lottery tickets to see if we’d have any luck becoming millionaires overnight… but that didn’t happen. It was worth a try, though!

It was an amazing day. I think we sat outside for 4-5 hours or more, talking and enjoying the sun. I loved it. It’s one of those days I’ll always look back on and smile, because it was just so hygge.


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