The soul that sees beauty may sometimes walk alone

Hi guys ^_^

Long time no talk..! I’ve been busy with life lately and haven’t been able to blog for a week or so. One of my family member passed away..I don’t wanna get too much into it… but that is the reason I haven’t been blogging or updating any social medias for some time…I didn’t really feel for it and needed some time… With that said…I’m back again.. ^_^ I’ve had this post ready for weeks now but never got to post it because… I wasn’t really sure about this look. But let’s do it anyways! ;)

It’s yet another random beauty look and shots. I’m experimenting with photographing, editing and makeup a lot lately, so just trying out different things and trying to figure out what works best for me and what I like the most. Last beauty look was very colorful and heavy with colorful lips, winged eyeliner and I also tried out new beauty products (foundation etc.). This time I kept it simple and I also wanted it to be “glowing, dark and bronze-ish” but also some sort of “nude-look” with the lips. Very nude-bronze-brown -ish… Well… I guess you’ll get what I mean when you see the pictures ^^’

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 I will try to work on some blogging-posts throughout next week. My schedule is fully packed with exams, studying and working beside blogging..So I’ll do my best to keep you guys updated ^_^ <3

I hope you’re all doing good. Take Care <3


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