Still Alive

Hello guys!

I thought I would do a quick life update since I haven’t been that active on the blog since New Year. I have exams in January and I’m trying to stay as focused as I can to do well. I’m done with one exam and have two more to go. The first one went well and I hope I can do well in the next two. Beside studying my a** off lately I’ve been eating out a lot. It’s hard to maintain a healthy lifestyle with cooking while studying almost all day long. My goals for the new year is both living a healthier lifestyle, studying harder, working harder on the blog and youtube. Oh and also saving money! The saving money part and eating healthy have not been working well. I’m not being too harsh on myself though. I’m taking small steps towards a better lifestyle :P I got a few shots from the past two weeks for you guys. I’ll try to update a little more but of course right now studying is my first priority :) *I have to survive the exams!*

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