Temple kinda day: Let’s talk religion and today’s look

This Saturday I went to the temple with my parents after a really long time. I don’t actually remember when I last went to temple, to be honest… But it felt really good. It gives me peace and also it feels good to spend some quality time with my parents.

This time the temple experience was different for me. We wanted to do a special prayer (I dont know the exact English word for that) but it was like a solo ritual that we got, which my mom wanted to do for me and I felt really good about it. I didn’t have any expectations really and I wasn’t really sure 100 % how the ritual was gonna be.

But the really cool thing was that the; i guess you would call him the “priest” in English (sorry if I’m using the wrong terms etc.), he asked me if I know why we are doing this and I was like “no, not really” and he explained to me before starting the ritual and prayers and during the ritual he also explained. It was really cool and inspiring and also I could relate more than what I thought so now I actually want to know more about my religion. I am religious in the sense of believing in God. Also I’m born Hindu. But I gotta admit I dont know much about the specific religion and I haven’t really been interested in knowing more about it until now. I go to temple and I pray but I don’t go often. I also go to church and pray. I also pray at home. I just believe in God and I respect all religions but I don’t know a lot but this whole experience got me curious. He talked about the universe, God, the 4 elements, energies and also I believe he was referring to chakras if I understood correctly. All that he talked about is very related to all the mindfull practices I’ve already been reading up on and investigating a little. Also as far as I know Hinduism is also a very spirituel religion so it makes sense.

But yeah I’m sorry if I’ve explained this wrong or expressed something in a wrong way. I hope I didn’t offend anyone with my poor vocabulary here :P The point is just that I wanna know more about Hinduism and I found it exciting and interesting and yeah the whole experience was really good for me.

Now let me show you some moments and my look:


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